1.2. CLI Reference

Command line interface to request a URL and get the server cert or cert chain.


Parse arguments.

Parameters:argv (list) – sys.argv or manual list of args to parse.

Process arguments and run the workflows.

Parameters:cli_args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed args from sys.argv or list.

1.2.1. Help

bash-3.2$ ./cert_human_cli.py --help
usage: cert_human_cli.py [-h] [--port PORT] [--method {requests,socket}]
                         [--chain] [--print_mode {info,key,extensions,all}]
                         [--write WRITE] [--overwrite] [--verify VERIFY]

Command line interface to request a URL and get the server cert or cert chain.

positional arguments:
  HOST                  Host to get cert or cert chain from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT           Port on host to connect to (default: 443)
  --method {requests,socket}
                        Use requests.get a SSL socket to get cert or cert
                        chain. (default: requests)
  --chain               Print/write the cert chain instead of the cert.
                        (default: False)
  --print_mode {info,key,extensions,all}
                        When no --write specified, print this type of
                        information for the cert. (default: info)
  --write WRITE         File to write cert/cert chain to (default: )
  --overwrite           When writing to --write and file exists, overwrite.
                        (default: False)
  --verify VERIFY       PEM file to verify host, empty will disable verify,
                        for --method requests. (default: )