Source code for cert_human

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utilities for getting and processing certificates."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import asn1crypto.x509
import binascii
import json
import inspect
import requests
import re
import six
import socket
import tempfile
import warnings

from textwrap import wrap
from contextlib import contextmanager
import urllib3
import OpenSSL

if six.PY2:
    import pathlib2 as pathlib  # pragma: no cover
    import pathlib

from .__version__ import __title__, __description__, __url__, __version__  # noqa
from .__version__ import __author__, __author_email__, __license__  # noqa
from .__version__ import __copyright__, __project__  # noqa


HTTPSConnectionPool = urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool
ConnectionCls = HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls
ResponseCls = HTTPSConnectionPool.ResponseCls

[docs]class HTTPSConnectionWithCertCls(ConnectionCls): # noqa: D101
[docs] def connect(self): # noqa: D102 super(HTTPSConnectionWithCertCls, self).connect() self._set_cert_attrs()
[docs] def _set_cert_attrs(self): """Add cert info from the socket connection to a HTTPSConnection object. Adds the following attributes: - peer_cert: x509 certificate of the server - peer_cert_chain: x509 certificate chain of the server - peer_cert_dict: dictionary containing commonName and subjectAltName """ sock = getattr(self, "sock", None) conn = getattr(sock, "connection", None) conn_gpc = getattr(conn, "get_peer_certificate", None) conn_gpcc = getattr(conn, "get_peer_cert_chain", None) gpc = getattr(sock, "getpeercert", None) self.peer_cert = conn_gpc() if conn_gpc else None self.peer_cert_chain = conn_gpcc() if conn_gpcc else None self.peer_cert_dict = gpc() if gpc else None
[docs]class ResponseWithCertCls(ResponseCls): # noqa: D101 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: D107 super(ResponseWithCertCls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._set_cert_attrs()
[docs] def _set_cert_attrs(self): """Add cert info from a HTTPSConnection object to a HTTPSResponse object. This allows accessing the attributes in a HTTPSConnectionWithCertCls from a requests.Response.raw object like so: - :obj:`requests.Response`.raw.peer_cert - :obj:`requests.Response`.raw.peer_cert_chain - :obj:`requests.Response`.raw.peer_cert_dict """ conn = getattr(self, "_connection", None) self.peer_cert = getattr(conn, "peer_cert", None) self.peer_cert_chain = getattr(conn, "peer_cert_chain", None) self.peer_cert_dict = getattr(conn, "peer_cert_dict", None)
[docs]def enable_urllib3_patch(): """Patch HTTPSConnectionPool to use the WithCert Connect/Response classes. Examples: Make a request using :obj:`requests` and patch urllib3 until you want to unpatch it: >>> enable_urllib3_patch() >>> response1 = requests.get("") >>> # self-signed, don't verify >>> response2 = requests.get("https://cyborg", verify=False) >>> print(response1.raw.peer_cert.get_subject().get_components()) >>> print(response2.raw.peer_cert.get_subject().get_components()) >>> # optionally disable the urllib3 patch once you no longer need >>> # to make requests with the cert attributes attached >>> disable_urllib3_patch() Notes: Modifies :obj:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool` attributes :attr:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls` and :attr:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool.ResponseCls` to the WithCert classes. """ HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls = HTTPSConnectionWithCertCls HTTPSConnectionPool.ResponseCls = ResponseWithCertCls
[docs]def disable_urllib3_patch(): """Unpatch HTTPSConnectionPool to use the default Connect/Response classes. Notes: Modifies :obj:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool` attributes :attr:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls` and :attr:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool.ResponseCls` back to original classes. """ HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls = ConnectionCls HTTPSConnectionPool.ResponseCls = ResponseCls
[docs]@contextmanager def urllib3_patch(): """Context manager to enable/disable cert patch. Examples: Make a request using :obj:`requests` using this context manager to patch urllib3: >>> import requests >>> with urllib3_patch(): ... response = requests.get("") ... >>> print(response.raw.peer_cert.get_subject().get_components()) """ enable_urllib3_patch() yield disable_urllib3_patch()
[docs]def using_urllib3_patch(): """Check if urllib3 is patched with the WithCert classes. Returns: (:obj:`bool`) """ connect = HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls == HTTPSConnectionWithCertCls response = HTTPSConnectionPool.ResponseCls == ResponseWithCertCls return all([connect, response])
[docs]def check_urllib3_patch(): """Throw exception if urllib3 is not patched with the WithCert classes. Raises: (:obj:`CertHumanError`): if using_urllib3_patch() returns False. """ if not using_urllib3_patch(): error = "Not using WithCert classes in {o}, use enable_urllib3_patch()" error = error.format(o=HTTPSConnectionPool) raise CertHumanError(error)
def build_url(host, port=443, scheme="https://"): """Build a url from host and port. Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname part of url. can be any of: "scheme://host:port", "scheme://host", or "host". port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. If no :PORT in host, this will be added to host. Defaults to: 443 scheme (:obj:`str`, optional): Scheme to add to host if no "://" in host. Defaults to: "https://". """ url = "{host}".format(host=host) if "://" not in url: url = "{scheme}{url}".format(scheme=scheme, url=url) if not":\d+", host): url = "{url}:{port}".format(url=url, port=port) return url
[docs]def test_cert(host, port=443, timeout=5, **kwargs): """Test that a cert is valid on a site. Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. can be any of: "scheme://host:port", "scheme://host", or "host". port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. If no :PORT in host, this will be added to host. Defaults to: 443 timeout (:obj:`str`, optional): Timeout for connect/response. Defaults to: 5. kwargs: passed thru to requests.get() Returns: (:obj:`tuple` of (:obj:`bool`, :obj:`Exception`)): True / False if cert was valid. Exception that was thrown if cert not valid, or None if successfull. """ kwargs.setdefault("timeout", timeout) kwargs.setdefault("url", build_url(host=host, port=port)) try: requests.get(**kwargs) return (True, None) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as exc: return (False, exc)
[docs]def get_response(host, port=443, **kwargs): """Get a requests.Response object with cert attributes. Examples: Make a request to a site that has a valid cert: >>> response = get_response(host="") >>> print(response.raw.peer_cert.get_subject().get_components()) >>> print(response.raw.peer_cert_chain) >>> print(response.raw.peer_cert_dict) Make a request to a site that has an invalid cert (self-signed): >>> response = get_response(host="cyborg") >>> print(response.raw.peer_cert.get_subject().get_components()) Notes: This is to fetch a requests.Response object that has cert attributes. * Uses a context manager to disable warnings about SSL cert validation. * Uses a context manager to patch urllib3 to add SSL cert attributes to the HTTPSResponse object, which is then accessible via the :obj:`requests.Response`.raw object. * Makes a request to a server using :func:`requests.get` Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. can be any of: "scheme://host:port", "scheme://host", or "host". port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. If no :PORT in host, this will be added to host. Defaults to: 443 kwargs: passed thru to requests.get() Returns: (:obj:`requests.Response`) """ kwargs.setdefault("timeout", 5) kwargs.setdefault("verify", False) kwargs.setdefault("url", build_url(host=host, port=port)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): with urllib3_patch(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") response = requests.get(**kwargs) return response
[docs]@contextmanager def ssl_socket(host, port=443, *args, **kwargs): """Context manager to create an SSL socket. Examples: Use sockets and OpenSSL to make a request using this context manager: >>> with ssl_socket(host="cyborg", port=443) as sock: ... cert = sock.get_peer_certificate() ... cert_chain = sock.get_peer_cert_chain() ... >>> print(cert.get_subject().get_components()) >>> print(cert_chain) Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. Defaults to: 443. Yields: (:obj:`OpenSSL.SSL.Connection`) """ method = OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD # Use TLS Method ssl_context = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(method) options = OpenSSL.SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2 # Don't accept SSLv2 ssl_context.set_options(options) sock = socket.socket(*args, **kwargs) ssl_sock = OpenSSL.SSL.Connection(ssl_context, sock) ssl_sock.connect((host, port)) try: ssl_sock.do_handshake() yield ssl_sock finally: ssl_sock.close()
[docs]class CertStore(object): """Make SSL certs and their attributes generally more accessible. Examples: >>> # x509 cert from any number of methods >>> cert = CertStore(OpenSSL.crypto.X509) >>> # not echoing any of these due to length >>> print(cert) # print the basic info for this cert >>> x = cert.issuer # get a dict of the issuer info. >>> print(cert.issuer_str) # print the issuer in str form. >>> x = cert.subject # get a dict of the subject info. >>> print(cert.subject_str) # print the subject in str form. >>> print(cert.dump_str_exts) # print the extensions in str form. >>> print(cert.pem) # print the PEM version. >>> print(cert.public_key_str) # print the public key. >>> print(cert.dump_str_key) # print a bunch of public key info. >>> print(cert.dump_str_info) # print what str(cert) prints. >>> x = cert.dump # get a dict of ALL attributes. >>> x = cert.dump_json_friendly # dict of JSON friendly attrs. >>> print(cert.dump_json) # JSON str of JSON friendly attrs. >>> # and so on Notes: The whole point of this was to be able to provide the same kind of information that is seen when looking at an SSL cert in a browser. This can be used to prompt for validity before doing "something". For instance: * If no cert provided, get the cert and prompt user for validity before continuing. * If no cert provided, get cert, prompt for validity, then write to disk for using in further connections. * ... to print it out and hang it on the wall??? """ def __init__(self, x509): """Constructor. Args: x509 (:obj:`x509.Certificate`): SSL cert in x509 format. """ self._x509 = x509 self._pem = x509_to_pem(x509) self._der = x509_to_der(x509) self._asn1 = x509_to_asn1(x509)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show dump_str_info.""" ret = "{cls}:\n{info}" ret = ret.format(cls=clsname(obj=self), info=indent(self.dump_str_info)) return ret
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Use str() for repr().""" return self.__str__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_socket(cls, host, port=443): """Make instance of this cls using socket module to get the cert. Examples: >>> cert = CertStore.from_socket("cyborg") >>> print(cert) Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. Defaults to: 443. Returns: (:obj:`CertStore`) """ with ssl_socket(host=host, port=port) as ssl_sock: x509 = ssl_sock.get_peer_certificate() return cls(x509=x509)
[docs] @classmethod def from_request(cls, host, port=443): """Make instance of this cls using requests module to get the cert. Examples: >>> cert = CertStore.from_request("cyborg") >>> print(cert) Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. Defaults to: 443. Returns: (:obj:`CertStore`) """ response = get_response(host=host, port=port) return cls(x509=response.raw.peer_cert)
[docs] @classmethod def from_response(cls, response): """Make instance of this cls using a requests.Response object. Examples: >>> enable_urllib3_patch() >>> response = requests.get("https://cyborg", verify=False) >>> cert = CertStore.from_response(response) >>> print(cert) Notes: This relies on the fact that :func:`enable_urllib3_patch` has been used to add the SSL attributes to the :obj:`requests.Response`.raw object. Args: response (:obj:`requests.Response`): response object to get raw.peer_cert. Returns: (:obj:`CertStore`) """ attr = "peer_cert" x509 = getattr(response.raw, attr, None) if not x509: error = ( "Response missing attribute 'raw.{a}', not issued using " "enable_urllib3_patch" ) error = error.format(a=attr) raise CertHumanError(error) return cls(x509=x509)
[docs] @classmethod def from_auto(cls, obj): """Make instance of this cls from a number of types. Args: obj (:obj:`str` or :obj:`bytes` or :obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` or :obj:`X509.Certificate` or :obj:`requests.Response`): Object to create CertStore. Returns: (:obj:`CertStore`) """ try: if isinstance(obj, six.string_types): try: return cls(x509=pem_to_x509(obj)) except Exception: # py2 hackage return cls(der_to_x509(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, OpenSSL.crypto.X509): return cls(obj) elif isinstance(obj, asn1crypto.x509.Certificate): return cls(asn1_to_x509(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return cls(der_to_x509(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, requests.Response): return cls.from_response(obj) else: error = "Invalid type supplied {t}" error = error.format(t=type(obj)) raise CertHumanError(error) except Exception as exc: error = "Error converting object type {t}: {exc}" error = error.format(t=type(obj), exc=exc) raise CertHumanError(error)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Make instance of this cls from a file containing a PEM. Args: path (:obj:`str` or :obj:`pathlib.Path`): Path to file containing PEM. Returns: (:obj:`CertStore`) """ return cls(x509=pem_to_x509(read_file(path)))
@property def pem(self): """Return the PEM version of the original x509 cert object. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self._pem @property def x509(self): """Return the original x509 cert object. Returns: (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`) """ return self._x509 @property def der(self): """Return the DER bytes version of the original x509 cert object. Returns: (:obj:`bytes`) """ return self._der @property def asn1(self): """Return the ASN1 version of the original x509 cert object. Returns: (:obj:`x509.Certificate`) """ return self._asn1
[docs] def to_path(self, path, overwrite=False, mkparent=True, protect=True): """Write self.pem to disk. Examples: >>> # get a cert using sockets: >>> cert = CertStore.from_socket("cyborg") >>> # or, get a cert using requests: >>> cert = CertStore.from_request("cyborg") >>> # ideally, do some kind of validation with the user here >>> # i.e. use ``print(cert.dump_str)`` to show the same >>> # kind of information that a browser would show >>> # then write to disk: >>> cert_path = cert.to_path("~/cyborg.pem") >>> # use requests with the newly written cert >>> # no SSL warnings or SSL validation errors happen >>> # even though it's self signed: >>> response = requests.get("https://cyborg", verify=cert_path) Args: path (:obj:`str` or :obj:`pathlib.Path`): Path to write self.pem. Returns: (:obj:`pathlib.Path`) """ return write_file( path=path, text=self.pem, overwrite=overwrite, mkparent=mkparent, protect=protect, )
[docs] def test(self, host, port=443, **kwargs): """Test that a cert is valid on a site. Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. can be any of: "scheme://host:port", "scheme://host", or "host". port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. If no :PORT in host, this will be added to host. Defaults to: 443 kwargs: passed thru to requests.get() Returns: (:obj:`tuple` of (:obj:`bool`, :obj:`Exception`)): True / False if cert was valid. Exception that was thrown if cert not valid, or None if successful. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pem", mode="w+t") as fh: fh.write(self.pem) ret = test_cert(host,, port=443, timeout=5, **kwargs) return ret
@property def issuer(self): """Get issuer parts. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ return dict(self._cert_native["issuer"]) @property def issuer_str(self): """Get issuer parts as string. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self.asn1["tbs_certificate"]["issuer"].human_friendly @property def subject(self): """Get subject parts. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ return dict(self._cert_native["subject"]) @property def subject_str(self): """Get subject parts as string. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self.asn1["tbs_certificate"]["subject"].human_friendly @property def subject_alt_names(self): """Get subject alternate names. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`) """ try: return self.asn1.subject_alt_name_value.native except Exception: return [] @property def subject_alt_names_str(self): """Get subject alternate names as CSV string. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return ", ".join(self.subject_alt_names) @property def fingerprint_sha1(self): """SHA1 Fingerprint. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self.asn1.sha1_fingerprint @property def fingerprint_sha256(self): """SHA256 Fingerprint. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self.asn1.sha256_fingerprint @property def public_key(self): """Public key in hex format. Notes: EC certs don't have a modulus, and thus public_key in asn1 obj is not a dict, just the cert itself. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ pkn = self._public_key_native["public_key"] if self._is_ec: return hexify(pkn) else: return hexify(pkn["modulus"]) @property def public_key_str(self): """Public key as in hex format spaced and wrapped. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ pkn = self._public_key_native["public_key"] if self._is_ec: return "\n".join(wrap(hexify(pkn, space=True))) else: return "\n".join(wrap(hexify(pkn["modulus"], space=True))) @property def public_key_parameters(self): """Public key parameters, only for 'ec' certs. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self._public_key_native["algorithm"]["parameters"] @property def public_key_algorithm(self): """Algorithm of public key ('ec', 'rsa', 'dsa'). Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self._public_key_native["algorithm"]["algorithm"] @property def public_key_size(self): """Size of public key in bits. Returns: (:obj:`int`) """ return self.x509.get_pubkey().bits() @property def public_key_exponent(self): """Public key exponent, only for 'rsa' certs. Returns: (:obj:`int`) """ pkn = self._public_key_native["public_key"] if self._is_ec: return None else: return pkn["public_exponent"] @property def signature(self): """Signature in hex format. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return hexify(obj=self.asn1.signature) @property def signature_str(self): """Signature in hex format spaced and wrapped. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return "\n".join(wrap(hexify(self.asn1.signature, space=True))) @property def signature_algorithm(self): """Algorithm used to sign the public key certificate. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self._cert_native["signature"]["algorithm"] @property def x509_version(self): """Version of x509 this certificate is using. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return self._cert_native["version"] @property def serial_number(self): """Certificate serial number. Returns: (:obj:`str` or :obj:`int`): int if algorithm is 'ec', or hex str. """ if self._is_ec: return self._cert_native["serial_number"] return hexify(self._cert_native["serial_number"]) @property def serial_number_str(self): """Certificate serial number. Returns: (:obj:`str` or :obj:`int`): int if algorithm is 'ec', or spaced and wrapped hex str. """ if self._is_ec: return self._cert_native["serial_number"] return "\n".join(wrap(hexify(self._cert_native["serial_number"], space=True))) @property def is_expired(self): """Determine if this certificate is expired. Returns: (:obj:`bool`) """ return self.x509.has_expired() @property def is_self_signed(self): """Determine if this certificate is self_sign. Returns: (:obj:`str`): ('yes', 'maybe', or 'no') """ return self.asn1.self_signed @property def is_self_issued(self): """Determine if this certificate is self issued. Returns: (:obj:`bool`) """ return self.asn1.self_issued @property def not_valid_before(self): """Certificate valid start date as datetime object. Returns: (:obj:`datetime.datetime`) """ return self._cert_native["validity"]["not_before"] @property def not_valid_before_str(self): """Certificate valid start date as str. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return "{o}".format(o=self.not_valid_before) @property def not_valid_after(self): """Certificate valid end date as datetime object. Returns: (:obj:`datetime.datetime`) """ return self._cert_native["validity"]["not_after"] @property def not_valid_after_str(self): """Certificate valid end date as str. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return "{o}".format(o=self.not_valid_after) @property def extensions(self): """Certificate extensions as dict. Notes: Parsing the extensions was not easy. I sort of gave up at one point. Resorted to using str(extension) as OpenSSL returns it. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ ret = {} for ext in self._extensions: name, obj = ext obj_str = self._extension_str(obj) ret[name] = obj_str return ret @property def extensions_str(self): """Certificate extensions as str with index, name, and value. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ ret = [] for idx, ext_items in enumerate(self._extensions): name, ext = ext_items ext_str = self._extension_str(ext=ext) m = "Extension {i}, name={name}, value={value}" m = m.format(i=idx + 1, name=name, value=ext_str) ret.append(m) return "\n".join(ret) @property def dump(self): """Dump dictionary with all attributes of self. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ return { "issuer": self.issuer, "issuer_str": self.issuer_str, "subject": self.subject, "subject_str": self.subject_str, "subject_alt_names": self.subject_alt_names, "subject_alt_names_str": self.subject_alt_names_str, "fingerprint_sha1": self.fingerprint_sha1, "fingerprint_sha256": self.fingerprint_sha256, "public_key": self.public_key, "public_key_str": self.public_key_str, "public_key_parameters": self.public_key_parameters, "public_key_algorithm": self.public_key_algorithm, "public_key_size": self.public_key_size, "public_key_exponent": self.public_key_exponent, "signature": self.signature, "signature_str": self.signature_str, "signature_algorithm": self.signature_algorithm, "x509_version": self.x509_version, "serial_number": self.serial_number, "serial_number_str": self.serial_number_str, "is_expired": self.is_expired, "is_self_signed": self.is_self_signed, "is_self_issued": self.is_self_issued, "not_valid_before": self.not_valid_before, "not_valid_before_str": self.not_valid_before_str, "not_valid_after": self.not_valid_after, "not_valid_after_str": self.not_valid_after_str, "extensions": self.extensions, "extensions_str": self.extensions_str, } @property def dump_json_friendly(self): """Dump dict with all attributes of self that are JSON friendly. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ return { "issuer": self.issuer, "issuer_str": self.issuer_str, "subject": self.subject, "subject_str": self.subject_str, "subject_alt_names": self.subject_alt_names, "subject_alt_names_str": self.subject_alt_names_str, "fingerprint_sha1": self.fingerprint_sha1, "fingerprint_sha256": self.fingerprint_sha256, "public_key": self.public_key, "public_key_str": self.public_key_str, "public_key_parameters": self.public_key_parameters, "public_key_algorithm": self.public_key_algorithm, "public_key_size": self.public_key_size, "public_key_exponent": self.public_key_exponent, "signature": self.signature, "signature_str": self.signature_str, "signature_algorithm": self.signature_algorithm, "x509_version": self.x509_version, "serial_number": self.serial_number, "serial_number_str": self.serial_number_str, "is_expired": self.is_expired, "is_self_signed": self.is_self_signed, "is_self_issued": self.is_self_issued, "not_valid_before_str": self.not_valid_before_str, "not_valid_after_str": self.not_valid_after_str, "extensions": self.extensions, "extensions_str": self.extensions_str, } @property def dump_json(self): """Dump JSON string with all attributes of self that are JSON friendly. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return json.dumps(self.dump_json_friendly, indent=2) @property def dump_str(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the all the important bits. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ items = [self.dump_str_exts, self.dump_str_key, self.dump_str_info] return "\n\n".join(items) @property def dump_str_info(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the important cert info bits. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ tmpl = "{title}: {info}".format items = [ tmpl(title="Issuer", info=self.issuer_str), tmpl(title="Subject", info=self.subject_str), tmpl(title="Subject Alternate Names", info=self.subject_alt_names_str), tmpl(title="Fingerprint SHA1", info=self.fingerprint_sha1), tmpl(title="Fingerprint SHA256", info=self.fingerprint_sha256), ", ".join( [ tmpl(title="Expired", info=self.is_expired), tmpl(title="Not Valid Before", info=self.not_valid_before_str), tmpl(title="Not Valid After", info=self.not_valid_after_str), ] ), ", ".join( [ tmpl(title="Self Signed", info=self.is_self_signed), tmpl(title="Self Issued", info=self.is_self_issued), ] ), ] return "\n".join(items) @property def dump_str_exts(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the extensions. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ exts = indent(self.extensions_str) items = "Extensions:\n{v}".format(v=exts) return items @property def dump_str_key(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the public_key important bits. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ key = "Public Key Algorithm: {a}, Size: {s}, Exponent: {e}, Value:\n{v}".format sig = "Signature Algorithm: {a}, Value:\n{v}".format sn = "Serial Number:\n{v}".format items = [ key( a=self.public_key_algorithm, s=self.public_key_size, e=self.public_key_exponent, v=indent(self.public_key_str), ), "", sig(a=self.signature_algorithm, v=indent(self.signature_str)), "", sn(v=indent(self.serial_number_str)), ] return "\n".join(items)
[docs] def _extension_str(self, ext): """Format the string of an extension using str(extension). Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ lines = [x for x in format(ext).splitlines() if x] j = " " if len(lines) < 5 else "\n" return j.join(lines)
@property def _extensions(self): """List mapping of extension name to extension object. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list`) """ exts = [ self.x509.get_extension(i) for i in range(self.x509.get_extension_count()) ] return [[six.ensure_text(s=e.get_short_name()), e] for e in exts] @property def _public_key_native(self): """Access self.asn1.public_key. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ return self.asn1.public_key.native @property def _cert_native(self): """Access to self.asn1. Returns: (:obj:`dict`) """ return self.asn1.native["tbs_certificate"] @property def _is_ec(self): """Determine if this certificates public key algorithm is Elliptic Curve ('ec'). Returns: (:obj:`bool`) """ return self.public_key_algorithm == "ec"
[docs]class CertChainStore(object): """Make SSL cert chains and their attributes generally more accessible. This is really just a list container for a cert chain, which is just a list of x509 certs. """ def __init__(self, x509=None): """Constructor. Args: x509 (:obj:`list` of :obj:`x509.Certificate`, optional): List of SSL certs in x509 format. Defaults to: []. """ self._x509 = x509 or [] self._certs = [CertStore(x509=c) for c in x509]
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show most useful information of all certs in cert chain.""" ret = "{cls} with {num} certs:{certs}" ret = ret.format(cls=clsname(obj=self), num=len(self), certs=self.dump_str_info) return ret
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Use str() for repr().""" return self.__str__()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i): """Passthru to self._certs[n].""" return self._certs[i]
[docs] def __len__(self): """Passthru to len(self._certs).""" return len(self._certs)
[docs] def append(self, value): """Passthru to self._certs.append with automatic conversion for PEM or X509. Args: value (:obj:`str` or :obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` or :obj:`CertStore`) """ if isinstance(value, CertStore): self._certs.append(value) else: self._certs.append(CertStore.from_auto(value))
[docs] @classmethod def from_socket(cls, host, port=443): """Make instance of this cls using socket module to get the cert chain. Examples: >>> cert_chain = CertChainStore.from_socket("cyborg") >>> print(cert_chain) Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. Defaults to: 443. Returns: (:obj:`CertChainStore`) """ with ssl_socket(host=host, port=port) as ssl_sock: return cls(x509=ssl_sock.get_peer_cert_chain())
[docs] @classmethod def from_request(cls, host, port=443): """Make instance of this cls using requests module to get the cert chain. Examples: >>> cert_chain = CertChainStore.from_request("cyborg") >>> print(cert_chain) Args: host (:obj:`str`): hostname to connect to. port (:obj:`str`, optional): port to connect to on host. Defaults to: 443. timeout (:obj:`str`, optional): Timeout for connect/response. Defaults to: 5. Returns: (:obj:`CertChainStore`) """ response = get_response(host=host, port=port) return cls(x509=response.raw.peer_cert_chain)
[docs] @classmethod def from_response(cls, response): """Make instance of this cls using a requests.Response.raw object. Examples: >>> enable_urllib3_patch() >>> response = requests.get("https://cyborg", verify=False) >>> cert_chain = CertChainStore.from_response(response) >>> print(cert_chain) Notes: This relies on the fact that :func:`enable_urllib3_patch` has been used to add the SSL attributes to the :obj:`requests.Response`.raw object. Args: response (:obj:`requests.Response`): response object to get raw.peer_cert_chain from. Returns: (:obj:`CertChainStore`) """ attr = "peer_cert_chain" x509 = getattr(response.raw, attr, None) if not x509: error = ( "Response missing attribute 'raw.{a}', not issued using " "enable_urllib3_patch" ) error = error.format(a=attr) raise CertHumanError(error) return cls(x509=x509)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pem(cls, pem): """Make instance of this cls from a string containing multiple PEM certs. Args: pem (:obj:`str`): PEM string with multiple pems to convert to x509. Returns: (:obj:`CertChainStore`) """ return cls(x509=pems_to_x509(pem))
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Make instance of this cls from a file containing PEMs. Args: path (:obj:`str` or :obj:`pathlib.Path`): Path to file containing PEMs. Returns: (:obj:`CertChainStore`) """ return cls(x509=pems_to_x509(read_file(path)))
@property def certs(self): """Expose self._certs list container.""" return self._certs @property def pem(self): """Return all of the joined PEM strings for each cert in self. Returns: (:obj:`str`): all PEM strings joined. """ return "".join([c.pem for c in self]) @property def x509(self): """Return the X509 version of the each CertStore in self. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`x509.Certificate`) """ return [c.x509 for c in self] @property def der(self): """Return the DER bytes version of the each CertStore in self. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`bytes`) """ return [c.der for c in self] @property def asn1(self): """Return the asn1crypto X509 version of the each CertStore in self. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`x509.Certificate`) """ return [c.asn1 for c in self]
[docs] def to_path(self, path, overwrite=False, mkparent=True, protect=True): """Write self.pem to disk. Args: path (:obj:`str` or :obj:`pathlib.Path`): Path to write self.pem to. Returns: (:obj:`pathlib.Path`) """ return write_file( path=path, text=self.pem, overwrite=overwrite, mkparent=mkparent, protect=protect, )
@property def dump_json_friendly(self): """Dump dict with all attributes of each cert in self that are JSON friendly. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`) """ return [o.dump_json_friendly for o in self] @property def dump_json(self): """Dump JSON string with all attributes of each cert in self that are JSON friendly. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ return json.dumps(self.dump_json_friendly, indent=2) @property def dump(self): """Dump dictionary with all attributes of each cert in self. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`) """ return [o.dump for o in self] @property def dump_str(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the all the important bits for each cert in self. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ tmpl = "{c} #{i}\n{s}".format items = [ tmpl(c=clsname(obj=c), i=i + 1, s=indent(c.dump_str)) for i, c in enumerate(self._certs) ] return "\n " + "\n ".join(items) @property def dump_str_info(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the important cert info bits for each cert in self. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ tmpl = "-{di} {c} #{i}\n{s}\n".format items = [ tmpl( di="-" * i + "/" if i else "", c=clsname(obj=c), i=i + 1, s=indent(c.dump_str_info), ) for i, c in enumerate(self._certs) ] return "\n " + "\n ".join(items) @property def dump_str_key(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the public_key important bits for each cert in self. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ tmpl = "{c} #{i}\n{s}".format items = [ tmpl(c=clsname(obj=c), i=i + 1, s=indent(c.dump_str_key)) for i, c in enumerate(self._certs) ] return "\n " + "\n ".join(items) @property def dump_str_exts(self): """Dump a human friendly str of the extensions for each cert in self. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ tmpl = "{c} #{i}\n{s}".format items = [ tmpl(c=clsname(obj=c), i=i + 1, s=indent(c.dump_str_exts)) for i, c in enumerate(self._certs) ] return "\n " + "\n ".join(items)
[docs]def clsname(obj): """Get objects class name. Args: obj (:obj:`object`): The object or class to get the name of. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ if inspect.isclass(obj) or obj.__module__ in ["builtins", "__builtin__"]: return obj.__name__ return obj.__class__.__name__
[docs]def hexify(obj, space=False, every=2, zerofill=True): """Convert bytes, int, or str to hex and optionally space it out. Args: obj (:obj:`str` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`bytes`): The object to convert into hex. zerofill (:obj:`bool`, optional): Zero fill the string if len is not even. This gets around oddly sized hex strings. Defaults to: True. space (:obj:`bool`, optional): Space the output string using join. Defaults to: False. join (:obj:`str`, optional): Rejoining str. Defaults to: " ". every (:obj:`str`, optional): The number of characters to split on. Defaults to: 2. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ if isinstance(obj, six.string_types) or isinstance(obj, six.binary_type): obj = binascii.hexlify(obj) if isinstance(obj, six.integer_types): obj = format(obj, "X") obj = six.ensure_text(obj).upper() if len(obj) % 2 and zerofill: obj = obj.zfill(len(obj) + 1) if space: obj = [obj[i : i + every] for i in range(0, len(obj), every)] # noqa: E203 obj = " ".join(obj) return obj
[docs]def indent(txt, n=4, s=" "): """Text indenter. Args: txt (:obj:`str`): The text to indent. n (:obj:`str`, optional): Number of s to indent txt. Defaults to: 4. s (:obj:`str`, optional): Char to use for indent. Defaults to: " ". Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ txt = "{t}".format(t=txt) tmpl = "{s}{line}".format lines = txt.splitlines() lines = [tmpl(s=s * n, line=l) for l in lines] lines = "\n".join(lines) return lines
[docs]def write_file(path, text, overwrite=False, mkparent=True, protect=True): """Write text to path. Args: path (:obj:`str` or :obj:`pathlib.Path`): The path to write text to. text (:obj:`str`): The text to write to path. overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional): Overwite file if exists. Defaults to: False. mkparent (:obj:`bool`, optional): Create parent directory if not exist. Defaults to: True. protect (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set file 0600 and parent 0700. Defaults to: True. Raises: (:obj:`CertHumanError`): path exists and not overwrite, parent not exist and not mkparent. Returns: (:obj:`pathlib.Path`) """ path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser().absolute() parent = path.parent if path.is_file() and overwrite is False: error = "File '{path}' already exists and overwrite is False" error = error.format(path=path) raise CertHumanError(error) if not parent.is_dir(): if mkparent: parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: error = "Directory '{path}' does not exist and mkparent is False" error = error.format(path=parent) raise CertHumanError(error) path.write_text(text) if protect: try: parent.chmod(0o700) except Exception: # nosec # where path like /tmp/foo.txt, setting perms on /tmp can throw an exception # just wrap it away quietly. nothing to see here. move along. pass path.chmod(0o600) return path
[docs]def read_file(path): """Read text from path. Args: path (:obj:`str` or :obj:`pathlib.Path`): Path to file to read. Raises: (:obj:`CertHumanError`): if path does not exist. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser().absolute() if not path.is_file(): error = "File at path '{path}' not found" error = error.format(path=format(path)) raise CertHumanError(error) text = path.read_text() return text
[docs]def find_certs(txt): """Split text with multiple certificates into a list of certificates. Args: txt (:obj:`str`): the text to find certificates in. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`) """ pattern = r"-----BEGIN.*?-----.*?-----END.*?-----" pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL) return pattern.findall(txt)
[docs]def asn1_to_der(asn1): """Convert from asn1crypto x509 to DER bytes. Args: asn1 (:obj:`x509.Certificate`): asn1crypto x509 to convert to DER bytes Returns: (:obj:`bytes`) """ return asn1.dump()
[docs]def asn1_to_x509(asn1): """Convert from asn1crypto x509 to OpenSSL x509. Args: asn1 (:obj:`x509.Certificate`): asn1crypto x509 to convert to OpenSSL x509 Returns: (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`) """ return der_to_x509(asn1_to_der(asn1))
[docs]def der_to_asn1(der): """Convert from DER bytes to asn1crypto x509. Args: der (:obj:`bytes`): DER bytes string to convert to :obj:`x509.Certificate`. Returns: (:obj:`x509.Certificate`) """ return asn1crypto.x509.Certificate.load(der)
[docs]def der_to_x509(der): """Convert from DER bytes to OpenSSL x509. Args: der (:obj:`bytes`): DER bytes string to convert to :obj:`x509.Certificate`. Returns: (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`) """ return OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(ASN1_TYPE, der)
[docs]def pem_to_x509(pem): """Convert from PEM str to OpenSSL x509. Args: pem (:obj:`str`): PEM string to convert to x509 certificate object. Returns: (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`) """ return OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(PEM_TYPE, pem)
[docs]def pems_to_x509(pem): """Convert from PEM str with multiple certs to list of OpenSSL x509s. Args: pem (:obj:`str`): PEM string with multiple certs to convert to x509 certificate object. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`) """ return [pem_to_x509(p) for p in find_certs(txt=pem)]
[docs]def x509_to_asn1(x509): """Convert from OpenSSL x509 to asn1crypto x509. Args: x509 (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`): x509 object to convert to :obj:`x509.Certificate`. Returns: (:obj:`x509.Certificate`) """ return der_to_asn1(x509_to_der(x509))
[docs]def x509_to_der(x509): """Convert from OpenSSL x509 to DER bytes. Args: x509 (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`): x509 certificate object to convert to DER. Returns: (:obj:`bytes`) """ return OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(ASN1_TYPE, x509)
[docs]def x509_to_pem(x509): """Convert from OpenSSL x509 to PEM str. Args: x509 (:obj:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`): x509 certificate object to convert to PEM. Returns: (:obj:`str`) """ pem = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(PEM_TYPE, x509) return six.ensure_text(pem)
[docs]class CertHumanError(Exception): """Exception wrapper.""" pass